IVI HEALING Julian & Genny is an essential French brand in the field of natural animal well-being and health.
IVI HEALING Julian & Genny currently offers healing magnetism consultations, and comprehensive sessions including animal communication, naturopathy, healing magnetism and holistic nutrition. IVI HEALING Julian & Genny now sponsors partners in animal welfare and natural health. Their online store “IVI HEALING Boutique” allows the promotion of works or products focused on animal well-being and health.
The Ifigeneia's books (Genny's) are among the works offered to you. They are available in both French and English.

Les livres publiés par la maison d'édition IVI HEALING sont des ouvrages tournés vers le bien-être animal et la santé animale au naturel. Ifigeneia en est l'auteur principal. D'autres auteurs sont en voie d'être publiés. IVI HEALING est la maison d'édition qui donne une voix à ceux qui n'en ont pas.
To order the books in English language, please click here

Rachel, France
“My name is Radja” is for me much more than a novel. Having had the honor of reading it in preview, I was literally captivated from the first sentences, deeply moved, overwhelmed from start to finish, and going through a veritable tidal wave of intense emotions. I found myself in many aspects of the story of this magnificent horse, Radja, because it reminded me so much of that of my mare, destined for racing from birth, and of which I became the happy referent for 15 years now. years. Throughout my reading, between tears and smiles, I was enveloped all along by a benevolent light, by this connection and this unconditional love that horses offer us every day, in the present moment, with disarming sincerity. . This wonderful work will remain my bedside book, like a precious talisman which will remind me every evening how the presence of my horses is an inestimable source of happiness, but also the duty and responsibility I have towards them.
Book: My name is RADJA

Amandine, France
Wow! Thank you very much for this book, a real pleasure to read and see it, it is magnificent in every sense of the word (cover, and background). It brought tears to my eyes, I couldn't stop thinking about my horses throughout the whole reading! I recognized in Radja's description symptoms that one of my horses has already had. It made me want to do the animal communication training with Genny next year!
Book: My name is RADJA
Jin Hee, France
I just finished the book that I devoured... I must say that I cried throughout the book until the end. This book is so moving... We live and feel everything that each character feels... It's going to take me time to get over it... and lots of cuddling sessions with my horse...
Book: My name is RADJA

Emeline, France
I read it in one afternoon because it is so full of meaning and truth! It's an incredible job!
Book: My name is RADJA

Anne-Laure, France
I read it in 4 to 5 hours. Immediately I felt gripped by the story and captivated! I lent it to my sister straight away. Thank you for this wonderful book! And looking forward to the next one!
Livre: Je m'appelle RADJA
Lucy, France
Bonjour ! Je viens de terminer le livre reçu avant-hier (oui oui je me suis jetée dessus !!)
Très clair, explicite, intéressant, intelligent, profond !
Je suis complètement en phase avec vous et je continuerai bien sur a vous confier mes animaux.
Et je ferai en sorte d'assurer un environnement sain, fluide, ouvert autour de lui et de moi et en nous !
Merci beaucoup à toute l'équipe
Et hâte de lire le tome 2 !